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Class RXBuild.Dom.Node

Abstract base class for all matching nodes in the regexps DOM tree
Defined in: regex_dom_node.js.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Field Summary
Field Attributes Field Name and Description
A unique (in the regexp) numeric ID for this item
The node to match following the current instance
An array of tokens from the input stream that created this instance
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
Makes the visitor explore the current instance
Adds all tokens passed in all arguments to the tokens property of this instance
Adds the provided RXBuild.Dom.Node to the end of this items sibling chain
Returns a human readable description of this match and its following matches
Used to display this nodes HTML in an interactive way to the user - to be rewritten
Returns a human readable description of this match
Returns an HTML description of this match (Must be overriden - this returns a fat error)
Used to display this nodes HTML in an interactive way to the user - to be rewritten
Finds and returns the last item in the chain starting from the current instance
Used to display this nodes HTML in an interactive way to the user - to be rewritten
Used to display this nodes HTML in an interactive way to the user - to be rewritten
RunForAll(func, param)
Calls RunOnMe on each node in this instances chain
RunOnMe(func, param)
Visits this node with the provided visitor
Makes the visitor explore the current instance and all followers
Class Detail
Field Detail
{Number} id
A unique (in the regexp) numeric ID for this item

{RXBuild.Dom.Node} next
The node to match following the current instance

{regex_parser.TokenInfo[]} tokens
An array of tokens from the input stream that created this instance
Method Detail
{Boolean} Accept(visitor)
Makes the visitor explore the current instance
{RXBuild.DOM.NodeVisitor} visitor
The visitor object
{Boolean} The return value of the visitor

Adds all tokens passed in all arguments to the tokens property of this instance
{regex_parser.TokenInfo} ...
Tokens to include in this instance

Adds the provided RXBuild.Dom.Node to the end of this items sibling chain
{RXBuild.Dom.Node} newLast
The node to append.


Defined in: regex_syntax_diagram.js.

{String} GetChainDescription()
Returns a human readable description of this match and its following matches
{String} The description of this node and the following in human readable format.

Used to display this nodes HTML in an interactive way to the user - to be rewritten

{String} GetDescription()
Returns a human readable description of this match
{String} The description of this node in human readable format.

{String} GetHtml()
Returns an HTML description of this match (Must be overriden - this returns a fat error)
{String} An HTML description of this match

Used to display this nodes HTML in an interactive way to the user - to be rewritten

{RXBuild.Dom.Node} GetLast()
Finds and returns the last item in the chain starting from the current instance
{RXBuild.Dom.Node} The last node in this nodes siblings

Used to display this nodes HTML in an interactive way to the user - to be rewritten

<static> RXBuild.Dom.Node.NodeRegExTokenHighlight(tokenlist)
Used to display this nodes HTML in an interactive way to the user - to be rewritten

{object} RunForAll(func, param)
Calls RunOnMe on each node in this instances chain
{Function} func
The function to call with each node as first parameter
{object} param
The second parameter to func
{object} Whatever func returned for this instance

{object} RunOnMe(func, param)
Visits this node with the provided visitor
{Function} func
The function to call with each node as first parameter
{object} param
The second parameter to func
{object} Whatever func last returned

{Boolean} StartVisit(visitor)
Makes the visitor explore the current instance and all followers
{RXBuild.DOM.NodeVisitor} visitor
The visitor object
{Boolean} False, if the visit was cancelled by the visitor

Documentation generated by JsDoc Toolkit 2.0.2 on Mon May 02 2016 20:27:56 GMT+0200 (CEST)