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Class RXBuild.UI.DelayedRefresh

The RXBuild.UI.DelayedRefresh Holds a triggerable and cancelable delayed event object which adjusts its frequency.
Defined in: ui_delayedRefresh.js.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
RXBuild.UI.DelayedRefresh(defaultDelay, callBack, invalidateCallback, adaptiveSpeed)
Creates a new instance of RXBuild.UI.DelayedRefresh
Field Summary
Field Attributes Field Name and Description
The delay with which to raise the delegate if none is specified
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
Restarts the pending event, cancelling any pending events
Cancel the pending trigger
Class Detail
RXBuild.UI.DelayedRefresh(defaultDelay, callBack, invalidateCallback, adaptiveSpeed)
Creates a new instance of RXBuild.UI.DelayedRefresh
{Number} defaultDelay
The default delay to use when none is specified.
{Function} callBack
The main method to call after time has elapsed
{Function} invalidateCallback
Optional. A function to call when a refresh is pending.
{Float} adaptiveSpeed
A number from 0 to 1.0 that determines the hi-pass threshold for automatically updating the defaultDelay. If set to 0, the defaultDelay never changes, if set to 1.0, it is always the duration of the last execution of the callback, in between, the delay is averaged at each execution. A good value is 0.1.
Field Detail
{Number} defaultDelay
The delay with which to raise the delegate if none is specified
Method Detail
Restarts the pending event, cancelling any pending events
{Number} timeout
The timeout can override the internally maintained timeout

{Boolean} stop()
Cancel the pending trigger
{Boolean} True if there was an event pending to cancel

Documentation generated by JsDoc Toolkit 2.0.2 on Mon May 02 2016 20:27:57 GMT+0200 (CEST)