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Class RXBuild.UI.RegexViewer

The RegexViewer holds selectable, self-updating views of the regular expression
Defined in: ui_regex_viewer.js.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
RXBuild.UI.RegexViewer(container, id, className, editor, viewers)
Creates a new instance of RegexViewer
Field Summary
Field Attributes Field Name and Description
The DOM element that will be the happy new parent of this control
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
Refreshes the view only if auto-refresh is active
invalidate(regexp, inputText)
Notifies the user that the display is no longer uptodate with the regular expression
Sets the currently active viewer to the one with the specified index
Runs the provided regular expression and updates the results view accordingly
Class Detail
RXBuild.UI.RegexViewer(container, id, className, editor, viewers)
Creates a new instance of RegexViewer
{HTMLElement} container
The DOM element that should be the new parent of the tester control.
{String} id
A unique name for this controls dom element
{String} className
Optional. A CSS class name to apply to the container DIV.
Field Detail
{HTMLElement} container
The DOM element that will be the happy new parent of this control
Method Detail
Refreshes the view only if auto-refresh is active

invalidate(regexp, inputText)
Notifies the user that the display is no longer uptodate with the regular expression

Sets the currently active viewer to the one with the specified index
{Number} viewIndex
The index in this instances viewers property of the view to display

Runs the provided regular expression and updates the results view accordingly

Documentation generated by JsDoc Toolkit 2.0.2 on Mon May 02 2016 20:27:57 GMT+0200 (CEST)