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Class RXBuild.Dom.PositionalMatch

Extends RXBuild.Dom.Node.
The PositionalMatch class matches the specific positions (such as $, ^, \b and \B)
Defined in: regex_dom_terminals.js.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
RXBuild.Dom.PositionalMatch(positionalChar, multiline)
Field Summary
Field Attributes Field Name and Description
If set, the regexp was compiled in multiline
The character representing the position to match
Fields borrowed from class RXBuild.Dom.Node:
id, next, tokens
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
Returns a human readable description of this match
Returns an HTML description of this match
Methods borrowed from class RXBuild.Dom.Node:
Accept, AddTokens, AppendAtEnd, buildGrammarDiagram, GetChainDescription, GetChainHtml, GetHtmlOpenTag, GetLast, GetTokenHighlightJS, NodeRegExTokenHighlight, RunForAll, RunOnMe, StartVisit
Class Detail
RXBuild.Dom.PositionalMatch(positionalChar, multiline)
{String} positionalChar
The character representing the position to match
{Boolean} multiline
Whether the regexp was compiled in multiline
Field Detail
{Boolean} multiline
If set, the regexp was compiled in multiline

{String} posChar
The character representing the position to match
Method Detail

Defined in: regex_syntax_diagram.js.

{String} GetDescription()
Returns a human readable description of this match
{String} The description of this node in human readable format.

{String} GetHtml()
Returns an HTML description of this match
{String} An HTML description of this match

Documentation generated by JsDoc Toolkit 2.0.2 on Mon May 02 2016 20:27:56 GMT+0200 (CEST)