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Class RXBuild.UI.HtmlResultViewer

Extends RXBuild.Engine.ResultListener.
The RXBuild.UI.HtmlResultViewer displays the results of matching a regular expression inline with the text
Defined in: ui_regex_viewer_matcher_inline.js.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Creates a new instance of RXBuild.UI.HtmlResultViewer (which inherits RXBuild.Engine.ResultListener)
Field Summary
Field Attributes Field Name and Description
The DOM element that holds the results for display
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
finished(regexp, inputText, matchCount, error)
Called when matching is over.
foundMatch(regexp, inputText, matchIndex, matchItem)
Called once for each match.
startMatch(regexp, inputText)
Called when a new match session has started
updateRegExp(regex, input)
Updates the view to reflect the provided regular expression and input
Class Detail
RXBuild.UI.HtmlResultViewer(container, id)
Creates a new instance of RXBuild.UI.HtmlResultViewer (which inherits RXBuild.Engine.ResultListener)
Field Detail
{HTMLElement} container
The DOM element that holds the results for display
Method Detail
finished(regexp, inputText, matchCount, error)
Called when matching is over.
{RXBuild.RegExp} regexp
The pattern that was run
{String} inputText
The input text against which to match
{Integer} matchCount
The number of matches (until aborting), or -1 if an error occured.
{String} error
If an error occured, the error object, otherwise, null

{Boolean} foundMatch(regexp, inputText, matchIndex, matchItem)
Called once for each match.
{RXBuild.RegExp} regexp
The pattern that is running
{String} inputText
The input text against which to match
{Number} matchIndex
The 0-based index of this match
{object} matchItem
A single match description
{Boolean} True to continue matching, false to abort.

startMatch(regexp, inputText)
Called when a new match session has started
{RXBuild.RegExp} regexp
The pattern that will be ran
{String} inputText
The input text against which to match

updateRegExp(regex, input)
Updates the view to reflect the provided regular expression and input
{RXBuild.RegExp} regex
The new pattern
{String} input
The sample input text in which to run the matches

Documentation generated by JsDoc Toolkit 2.0.2 on Mon May 02 2016 20:27:57 GMT+0200 (CEST)