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Built-In Namespace String

Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
Returns a version of the string that is suitable for insertion in C# type code (with quotes)
Returns a version of the string that is suitable for insertion in HTML code
Returns a version of the string that is suitable for insertion in C/JS type code (with quotes)
Returns a version of the string that is suitable for insertion in a regular expression as a litteral value
Returns a version of the string that is suitable for insertion in C/JS type code (without quotes though)
Returns a version of the string that is suitable for insertion in XML code (& is replaced by & and so on)
findCommonPrefix(s, startIndex)
Returns the number of identical characters in this string and the one in s starting from the beginning.
Returns the number of identical characters in this string and the one in s starting from the beginning using case insensitive .
Returns an version of the string that only single LF characters
Parses the current instance for url encoded key value pairs, in the form key%20name=key%20value&key%20bool&key%20empty=
Returns a version of the string that is suitable for insertion in an HTML string with a pre tag around it
Replaces the provide key value pairs, in the format as returned by parseURLKeyValues in the current instance and returns the resulting string.
Returns a reference to itself.
Returns a version of the string with all leading and trailing whitespace removed
Returns a version of the string that is has all standard 5 entities replaced (& is replaced by & and so on)
Method Detail
{String} escapeCS()
Returns a version of the string that is suitable for insertion in C# type code (with quotes)
Defined in: utils.js.

{String} escapeHTML()
Returns a version of the string that is suitable for insertion in HTML code
Defined in: utils.js.

{String} escapeJS()
Returns a version of the string that is suitable for insertion in C/JS type code (with quotes)
Defined in: utils.js.

{String} escapeRegexp()
Returns a version of the string that is suitable for insertion in a regular expression as a litteral value
Defined in: utils.js.

{String} escapeToBackslashes()
Returns a version of the string that is suitable for insertion in C/JS type code (without quotes though)
Defined in: utils.js.

{String} escapeXML()
Returns a version of the string that is suitable for insertion in XML code (& is replaced by & and so on)
Defined in: utils.js.

{Number} findCommonPrefix(s, startIndex)
Returns the number of identical characters in this string and the one in s starting from the beginning.
Defined in: utils.js.
{String} s
The other string to compare to
{Number} startIndex
Optional - The position from which to start
{Number} The number of common characters between the two strings

{Number} findCommonPrefixCaseInsensitive(s, startIndex)
Returns the number of identical characters in this string and the one in s starting from the beginning using case insensitive .
Defined in: utils.js.
{String} s
The other string to compare to
{Number} startIndex
Optional - The position from which to start
{Number} The number of common characters between the two strings

{String} normaliseNewLines()
Returns an version of the string that only single LF characters
Defined in: utils.js.

{Array of arrays of string} parseURLKeyValues()
Parses the current instance for url encoded key value pairs, in the form key%20name=key%20value&key%20bool&key%20empty=
Defined in: utils.js.
{Array of arrays of string} Returns an array with each element being a key and optional value pair.

{String} plainTextToHtml()
Returns a version of the string that is suitable for insertion in an HTML string with a pre tag around it
Defined in: utils.js.

{String} replaceURLKeys(newValues)
Replaces the provide key value pairs, in the format as returned by parseURLKeyValues in the current instance and returns the resulting string.
Defined in: utils.js.
{Array of Array of string} newValues
The values to edit in the current instance. The following formats are acceptable:
  • ["abc"] - to delete the key with name abc
  • [["abc"]] - to empty the key abc (but keep it present)
  • [["abc", "def"]] - to replace or add the key named abc with the value def
{String} A string encoded in the format key%20name=key%20value&key%20bool&key%20empty=

Returns a reference to itself. Used for compatible conversion to string of other object models.
Defined in: utils.js.

{String} trim()
Returns a version of the string with all leading and trailing whitespace removed
Defined in: utils.js.

{String} unescapeXML()
Returns a version of the string that is has all standard 5 entities replaced (& is replaced by & and so on)
Defined in: utils.js.

Documentation generated by JsDoc Toolkit 2.0.2 on Mon May 02 2016 20:27:57 GMT+0200 (CEST)