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Class RXBuild.UI.RXEditor

The RXBuild.UI.RXEditor Is the main controller class for things related to editing a regular expression
Defined in: ui_regex_editor.js.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
RXBuild.UI.RXEditor(containerDiv, headerDiv, textBox, sampleInputTextBox)
Creates a new instance of RXBuild.UI.RXEditor
Field Summary
Field Attributes Field Name and Description
The html dom element that will parent the main pane of the editor
The html dom element that will parent toolbar items of the editor
An event that is fired when it is appropriate for an auto-refresh
An event that is fired immediately when the user changes the regexp
An event that is fired immediately when the regexp is no longer valid
The html dom element that lets the user edit the pattern input text
The html dom element that is the actual pattern text editor
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
Reads the UI and returns the current sample input text
Reads the UI and returns an equivalent RXBuild.RegExp instance
Initialises the whole user interface
Inserts the provided string into the regular expression at the current cursor position, overwriting the selection if any, and selecting the insertion (in some browsers apparently)
Updates the caret position display div (positioning and content)
Class Detail
RXBuild.UI.RXEditor(containerDiv, headerDiv, textBox, sampleInputTextBox)
Creates a new instance of RXBuild.UI.RXEditor
{String|HTMLElement} containerDiv
The id or dom element that will parent the main pane of the editor
{String|HTMLElement} headerDiv
The id or dom element that will parent toolbar items of the editor
{String|HTMLElement} textBox
The id or html dom element that is the actual pattern text editor
{String|HTMLElement} sampleInputTextBox
The id or html dom element that lets the user edit the pattern input text
Field Detail
{HTMLElement} container
The html dom element that will parent the main pane of the editor

{HTMLElement} header
The html dom element that will parent toolbar items of the editor

{YAHOO.util.CustomEvent} onRegExpApplyChanges
An event that is fired when it is appropriate for an auto-refresh

{YAHOO.util.CustomEvent} onRegExpChanged
An event that is fired immediately when the user changes the regexp

{YAHOO.util.CustomEvent} onRegExpInvalidated
An event that is fired immediately when the regexp is no longer valid

{HTMLElement} sampleInputTextBox
The html dom element that lets the user edit the pattern input text

{HTMLElement} textBox
The html dom element that is the actual pattern text editor
Method Detail

{String} getInput()
Reads the UI and returns the current sample input text
{String} The current sample input text

{RXBuild.RegExp} getRX()
Reads the UI and returns an equivalent RXBuild.RegExp instance
{RXBuild.RegExp} A object describing the expression being edited

Initialises the whole user interface

Inserts the provided string into the regular expression at the current cursor position, overwriting the selection if any, and selecting the insertion (in some browsers apparently)
{String} str
The text to insert as-is into the regular expression

Updates the caret position display div (positioning and content)

Documentation generated by JsDoc Toolkit 2.0.2 on Mon May 02 2016 20:27:57 GMT+0200 (CEST)